
Can you exercise after blue light therapy? A comprehensive Guide

Blue light therapy has practically become the go-to remedy for skin ailments, including acne and especially seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The blue light exposes the skin regions of concern, and this treatment has no side effects as it is noninvasive. Nevertheless, a very popular question that many active people ask is, ‘can you exercise after blue light therapy?’ In this article, we will discuss the benefits of blue light therapy and try to answer whether it is possible to head to the gym immediately afterward.

can you exercise after blue light therapy

Understanding Blue Light Therapy

Blue light therapy entails working with a device that radiates light with a definite range of blue light measured at 405-420 nanometers. Wavelengths in this region are also capable of transmitting through the skin’s layers, thus offering ways of decreasing the production of sebum, eradicating bacteria, and minimizing inflammation in the sebaceous glands. In addition to acne, BLT is also used for the eradication of mood disorders, including SAD, by altering stages of compounds in the mind.

The noninvasive nature of blue light therapy makes it a useful option for many, but the question remains: What does the can you exercise after blue light therapy? To answer this, it is needed to look into skin and body ups and downs likely caused by the therapy. There is also the question of training right after the therapy.

The Benefits of Blue Light Therapy

Let it be noted that before one can decide whether to exercise after blue light therapy, one should first appreciate its value. Blue light therapy has several benefits, especially for individuals who have skin problems or mood disorders.

1. Effective Acne Treatment

Short blue light therapy has been known as an active usage method for acne due to its ability to destroy the germs make happen it. It cuts infection and stops the return of these signs, letting for clearer skin and better skin health.

2. Mood Enhancement

Indeed, the blue light treatment is a real breakthrough for people with SAD. Living plants prevent all forms of depression and contribute to opinions that natural light exposure eases the moderating of hormones such as melatonin and serotonin. High energy levels can lead to better mood and quality sleep.

3. Non-Invasive and Safe

Other methods for drying acne are often martial or use chemicals, which makes them unsafe, while blue light therapy is safe. It has slight side effects and may be taken by many people.

4. Quick and Convenient

Blue light therapy sessions are not very long; the optional regular time is between 15 and 30 minutes. Thus, it is convenient to schedule them within the daily timetable. In between, there is no interruption passing through different activities; thus, after the session, one can continue with other chores.

can you exercise after blue light therapy

can you exercise after blue light therapy?

Now, let’s address the burning question: My empirical research Question and hypothesis:

1. Skin Sensitivity

Post-therapy, skin sensitivity is one of the main things the patients experience or worry about after undergoing blue light therapy. The side effect takes the form of light sensitivity, so this means that undertreatment can lead to the worsening of this condition when you engage in activities such as jogging or running when the weather is sunny. However, sweating when exercising also poses a problem to newly treated skin as it may cause inconvenience or a burning sensation.

You will also notice that after blue light therapy, your skin gets some redness. This is why it is recommended that if you are going to exercise, do it a few hours later. This is especially so if your session was centered around acne or any skin disease or condition that produces exudates. Further, one should wear light and loose-fitting clothes, and avoiding direct exposure to the sun on the affected areas might help palliate the nuisance.

2. Hydration and Skin Care

As mentioned before, skin should always be supplied with adequate moisture after overcoming the effects of blue light therapy. Sweating, which results from exercising, means that the skin might be dehydrated, which will hamper the healing process of the skin treatment. Before participating in any activity, ensure you take enough water before or after you engage in any workouts.

Other measures that you can take are to avoid picking the skin after treatment or applying a very light, non-acnegenic moisturizer. If you decide to exercise after using blue light therapy, then you should take a cool towel and gently apply it to the face to soothe the skin if it becomes inflamed.

3. Intensity of Exercise

However, when the individual is exercising, the routine can also help identify if it is safe to exercise after the blue light treatment. Most exercises, such as walking, stretching, or walking yoga, are okay and will not cause any complications. However, activities that can lead to overheating, such as those that call for higher-intensity workouts, may not be very advisable during this time.

If you are worried about exercising after the blue light treatment, you can probably choose a less rigorous form of workout the day you get treated. This way, you can protect your skin while exercising and getting your body fit.

4. Individual Factors

Lastly, it has to be said that every person’s skin and body are unique, so the experience of blue light therapy may vary. It can be as much as you cannot feel any sensitivity, but there are people whose skin feels red or irritated after the treatment. First-time users of blue light therapy should consider doing it on a non-workout day to check how their skin will react. Your dermatologist or healthcare doctor can also advise on whether it is okay for you to exercise after the blue light therapy, depending on the results you are achieving with your skin type.


So, can you exercise after blue light therapy? The answer varies with your skin’s sensitivity, the intensity of the workout, and your body’s response to the treatment. Although exercising is mostly unproblematic, any form of rigorous exercise is advisable to be exercised if your skin reacts negatively to a treatment. Taking proper care of your skin and hydration can help you get the most benefits of blue light therapy and physical activity.

As I mentioned in this article, blue light therapy is a highly effective treatment that helps to clear up the skin and improve one’s mood. Therefore, it should be included in many people’s daily practices. Knowing how to exercise while avoiding interfering with the process of blue light therapy will help increase the possibilities of the treatment and the overall activity to their maximum.


Q1. How long should I wait to exercise after blue light therapy?

Ans: This is why it is advised to avoid physical activity after blue light therapy for at least several hours. This gives your skin some time to relax and decreases the chances of inflammation, which may be especially important if your treatment concentrates on problems like acne.

Q2. Does exercising after blue light therapy affect the results?

Ans: Exercise is not important after blue light therapy, but rigorous exercises that make one sweat or increase heart rates are not good for the skin after a treatment session. Ideally, to retain all the gains from exercise therapy, you need to reduce the intensity of the exercise session on the day you use it.

Q3. What precautions should I take if I want to exercise after blue light therapy?

Ans: If you are going to exercise after the blue light therapy, you should dress in loose, light athletic wear to avoid chafing the skin. Do not shower; drink water, and if needed, use a milky lotion to prevent your skin from becoming even more damaged. You can also apply a cold towel to the skin after your workout exercises to reduce redness and sensitivity.

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